Buying local at Safeway
We’ve spent decades working with local growers and processers across Western Canada to bring the finest foods to our customers. Safeway works with hundreds of suppliers that offer local products, allowing our customers to have a wide range of the highest-quality products available throughout our store.
We recognize that sourcing locally helps to strengthen the local economy and communities, while positively affecting the environment by requiring less transportation and, in some cases, less packaging. Our practices give buying preference to local produce farmers when products are in season and meet our quality standards.
Safeway’s support includes the active participation in many local promotional buying initiatives, including being the lead retail partner of the buy local provincial initiatives in BC, Alberta and Manitoba. Through Buy BC Foods, Buy Alberta and Buy Manitoba, we provide customers a convenient way to find more locally produced, processed and fresh foods throughout the isles of a Safeway store. Specially marked signage is located across our stores in British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba. Participating stores carry over a thousand locally sourced products.